Some transistors :
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A small blog to understand the usage of transistor through its simple applications. Created by Ajin.P.A. and Abhi Harshan for Science Fest in St. Joseph's H.S.S. Pavaratty.
Handle ring is connected to +ve of battery. When ring is moving through the wire and it touched on the wire then the red led glow and C1 charges. C maintain this glow for some time. This also keep the T1 turn off. If handle ring reached the end not touching wire the T1 turn on and green LED turn on with C.
From transmitter the laser light is produced. Place the transmitter and receiver so that the laser beam fall on LDR. When laser falls on LDR this turns off t1. When the beam split by a tress passer or burglar LDR stops conducting and t1 turns on and LED glows. C store Voltage and Maintains this glow.